Thursday, August 20, 2009

Not much later...

...than my last post.

The wind has been blowing and the rain has been pelting. We have had so much rain this year - surely the water table is restored. Todd is just wishing it was winter and this was all snow so he could be snowmobiling!

He has been up at the Laws' shop changing things out with his motor (he fluently tells me all the details while I nod my head in interest). He plans to run at Freedom Raceway, Late Model class if they aren't rained out. He hasn't gotten much racing in this season and is like a little kid with a new toy at the thought!

The dogs are all a flutter as Dad comes home from the shop! Pet me! Pet me! they plea.

No time for beading, crafting or posting today. Too much else going on. I did get started on organizing an area I can call my own for all my projects. Prior to now I had been working from my chair in the living room with supplies gathered all about me. I think having a table with my good light and supplies all organized I clearly will be more productive. It will be better ergonomically as well.

Gonna watch the news and find out about how the tornado warning has panned out. It was west of us when it was announced moving east. There has been much of that weather activity around here this year. Reminds me of when I lived in tornado alley years ago.


bumblebeeali said...

looks like you have taken to blogging like a duck to water! great to see pix. have fun!

cindy said...

thanks for the "atta boy"...the new kid on the block could use 'em!

Now to master the ability to upload worked fine yesterday and I managed to get one pic on today. hmmmmm