Thursday, August 20, 2009

My first day... the blogosphere...

Until I get the hang of this I hope anyone reading this will be patient with my learning curve. This blogging gig seems like it can be a lot of fun and may evoke interesting comments from readers and insights from within that have laid untapped!

Being a small town gal, from a speck on the map, probably contributes to my naivete'. However, I don't think a bit of innocence is a bad thing.

My primary motive for starting a blog is to correlate with my Etsy shop, but that is not my only motive. I am sincerely looking to network with others and interact with the big world that lies outside my little speck.

I welcome discussions, retorts, FYI's, penpals, shop browsers...

Now a brief bit about me - married, female, 3 children, 2 dogs, 1 cat, small fresh water fish tank, bird feeder/watcher. We live in a rural setting, located down in a valley, that is beautiful during all four seasons. Nurse by profession and crafter by choice. I love rummage sales, estate sales, Salvation Army - you name it, I find treasures in many places and enjoy putting them in the hands of their ultimate owners.

I look forward to experiencing the blogging world with anyone who wants to come along for the ride! Most likely it will be like a Sunday drive in the country, but then again, we could all use a little more of that in our lives.

Here's wishing you health and happiness on this first day of my blog.

How'd I do so far???

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