Friday, June 10, 2011

Just a bit of catch-up

Hard to believe that it's been so long since, am I over due...

So much has happened, rolling one day into the next, and now I'm here....ambiguous I know, but perhaps I'll explain more in a future blog note.

Right now I am psyched that I'm going to the city tonight to see a play with my pal, Nina --- opening night for the Kaleidescope Theatre Productions newest play, then opening night reception after the show! What fun!

If I could just decide what to wear! I've been in the rut of shorts & a tank or Tshirt and that won't do! I am sure I'll decide on something.

The pic is of one of my newer bracelets, on display at the Cuba Dairy Week Craft Fair --- would have done ok if it wasn't for the rain ---but, it was Dairy Week - there will be rain, just a given.

Excited that I have health insurance again - trying out Savella, day #2, to see if it impacts my fibro. The paresthesias have been almost unbearable some days/nights --- makes it hard to sleep.

What the heck - let's plop another pic on here.....what the heck...not working it seems....will wait for another post I guess...too much to do to fart around with it right now.

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