Welcome to my humble blog. I am quite a bit naive when it comes to these things, but I am giving it my best shot. I encourage your comments and insights. It is my hope that a certain following will evolve, not to feed my ego, but rather to foster new or continuing fellowship. Thanks for visiting. Cindy
The fish
take a minute to pause in your day and feed the fish. When you hover your mouse pointer the fish will migrate to that area and click the mouse or tap your touch pad to feed the fish!
no longer married, female, mother of 3 + 2 dogs,a cat, fish, birds outside...interested in networking and interacting with others...have special interest in beading and crafts as well as vintage stuff...have shop on eBay and Etsy....spoonie/aspie
Gosh --- it's been way too long since I've been on here and updated my blog! I found out about tumblr. and it seems so much easier to use so it's tempting to migrate solely there --- But I am going to stick it out here on Blogspot! And try to be more diligent about posting and keeping it interesting!
I really need some tutelage in making this look more pretty!
My goal this week --- GET MORE VINTAGE POSTED ON ETSY!!!!! Yeah!