I can't believe it is almost Christmas...just didn't seem it this year - was hard to get into the spirit, late to get the tree up and decorated little. Perhaps it is because the autumn was sweeter than our summer in many respects and the holidays seem to be coming too early.
As I gandered a view out the kitchen window this morning I noticed how prettily the ribbons of color were in one of these crystals I have hanging in the window. What caused me to notice at first was the rainbow on the floor. It has mostly been cloudy this morning but for a moment there was sunshine and a rainbow - Thank you Lord.
Today was another early day - up with Todd at 4 and he was out the door by 0445. Have been trying hard to stay awake, must have had a restless sleep. Working on some re-heated coffee and doing this. I finally got on Facebook for the first time in weeks. Heard from a friend from "back in the day" that I have lots of memories with. They finally responded after a note I sent a couple months ago and was great to hear from them.
Here's a nice pic of our pretty little Christmas tree. It turned out nice even if it was late. Still needs icicles, though. It was fun going through the kids' decorations, especially the ones they have made over the years. Lots of memories. Todd was the only one that was truly excited about the tree. I was pleased but not crazily - you would have thought he was a kid and I got him the present he waited all year to get! :)
This season that I have been in with my health problems, not working, lack of inspiration many days, and such --- I am reminded that I am here but for His purpose and despite the difficulties He will provide and get me past it. I truly have believed that God has allowed all this to happen for a reason. In many respects much good has come from it. Really, in so many ways they would be too many to list - however, somedays I just don't acknowledge what He does in my life, for me and through me. This world can be such a distraction.
Have been doing some creating but don't seem particularly thrust in any particular directions. Still have trouble getting mobilized which hinders my creativity. Although, I did make this pretty bracelet this morning. It matches a necklace I made for a friend and I also made earrings - If she doesn't want the additional accessories, I may just keep them myself!